Relocation Service for North Germany

Our  Management Services are all-inclusive.

Our team of experts is prepared to handle everything from domestic relocation to global assignment services. Our reach is supported through close working relationships throughout Germany and world wide. It is through this network of providers and global service that we can handle your specific needs, whether they are domestic or international in scope.

Whether moving across town or across continents, Walcher-Reloccation service philosophy guarantees that an intimate focus will be placed on your relocating professionals through a single point of coordination, with regionally located philosophy and a globally integrated service structure designed to reach around the world. If you want the peace of mind that comes with guaranteed service levels, the freedom to increase resources at no cost and the convenient one point of accountability from start to finish 2welcomeU is your service provider.

Our Services

  • will reduce the insecurities and costs associated with relocating individuals and families by providing personalized relocation plans and solutions second to none
  • is dedicated to excellence and sets industry standards by delivering performance with ingenuity and creative thinking
  • reduces the cost of relocation by eliminating wasted time and costly mistakes. This allows executives more time to implement their corporation’s goals and objectives more effectively and time with their family.

At Walcher-Relocation, we put a premium on customer service. Rather than handing off your transferee to a different consultant at each stage of the process, we provide one relocation consultant as a single point of care – for optimum personal interaction. Our high-tech, high-touch approach is available to meet your relocation needs, ensuring that the lifestyles of your employees and their families are preserved.